PSHE Overview
At Hawksworth CE Primary School, we understand that the education of the whole child is such an important part of their positive growth and development. Through the You, Me & PSHE scheme, we develop an understanding of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education across all Key Stages at Hawksworth.
We believe in supporting and nurturing our pupils' Spiritual, Moral, Cultural and Social Development and this is addressed through an integrated curriculum, an effective pastoral provision, detailed PSHE lesson plans and additional support for vulnerable children especially those with additional needs.
We also encourage our children to find and use their voice and support our community cohesion by supporting their local community and parish.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. Our PSHE education aims to help pupils achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life. It forms a significant part of our preventative curriculum which teaches children the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves and others safe from harm.
For pupils to build on prior knowledge, our PSHE curriculum is planned so pupils revisit the same themes across our two-year planning cycle. We use the You, Me, PSHE scheme as our main scheme but it is supplemented with lessons from the Christopher Winter Project, St John's Ambulance First Aid project and when appropriate from Mindmate.
Through our School Council we aim to give pupils a voice and an important role in the shaping of their education and having the opportunity to plan initiatives that will have a positive impact on their local community. Children also develop their understanding of democracy through electing their School Council representatives.
Early Years Foundation
Our PSED curriculum is delivered through all that we do in Early Years. Children first build warm, caring relationships with adults and their peers. These relationships enable children to feel safe and secure to access the full curriculum. Children are supported to understand and manage their own emotions and feelings as part of understanding themselves and developing positive self-esteem. Children learn how to be healthy and manage their personal needs independently. Children learn how to develop effective friendships and how to resolve conflicts.
Key Stage One
In Key Stage One children build on the Early Years Foundation Stage through our You, Me and PSHE scheme. They continue to work on understanding themselves and how to build and maintain healthy relationships. They learn about keeping themselves safe physically and emotionally. Children also begin to learn about money and financial well-being. They explore medicines and how they can be helpful to our bodies and in RSE, children learn about the differences between boys and girls and how families are different.
Assessment has been included as an integral part of each topic. At the beginning of the topic, pupils may complete a 'thought shower', ask questions and participate in class discussions, which is then repeated at the end of the topic. This enables pupils and teachers to understand and demonstrate the progress made. Pupils are also encouraged to self-reflect on their learning.
Key Stage Two
Through the same strands, children strengthen their knowledge and understanding in Key Stage 2. They develop an understanding of the differences between people and how these differences should be celebrated. They begin to understand more about bullying and actions they can take if they are being bullied. Children learn about making choices about drugs and alcohol and their relationships and begin to understand how their choices and decisions can be influenced. They build on their understanding of money to learn how to save, spend and budget. Children develop their understanding of mental health and well-being, and this links well with their work in RSE about relationships. In RSE children learn about puberty and the changes that happen to their bodies and emotions. They then move on to reproduction and secure an understanding of how babies are made.
We are proud to be a school that prioritises pupil well-being and understands the importance of this for any meaningful learning to take place. Each year our pupils complete the My Health, My School survey which informs our PSHE plans and Collective worship priorities.
Assessment has been included as an integral part of each topic. At the beginning of the topic, pupils may complete a 'thought shower', ask questions and participate in class discussions, which is then repeated at the end of the topic. This enables pupils and teachers to understand and demonstrate the progress made. Pupils are also encouraged to self-reflect on their learning.
We see the impact of our PSHE curriculum every day in school. Our children are kind, caring and considerate people who can articulate how they keep themselves and others safe.
Children at Hawksworth Primary will:
- have skills to support them to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible, respectful and balanced lives
- celebrate diversity
- apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty
- demonstrate exemplary behaviour
- communicate effectively, discuss issues respectfully with confidence and understand others’ points of view
- develop positive personal attributes such as resilience, self-confidence, self-esteem, and empathy.
PSHE 2 Year Curriculum Plan
Our PSHE curriculum is based on the You, me and PSHE scheme and supplemented with activities from the Christopher Winter Project, St John's Ambulance First Aid project and Mindmate lessons.
You, Me and PSHE is a planning resource that supports the teaching of PSHE education in Key Stages 1 and 2. It can be used either as a complete PSHE programme, or adapted for use alongside current PSHE provision, which is what we do.
You, me and PSHE
The planning resource includes lesson plans, whole school and year group curriculum overviews, assessment activities and resources for teachers to use in lessons. The curriculum overviews enable teachers to track topics across the academic year alongside relevant learning expectations.
Each topic in the resources incorporates activities to establish the starting point of learners and assess progress. The topics included are:
- Careers
- Drug, alcohol and tobacco education
- Financial capability and economic well-being
- Identity, society and equality
- Keeping safe and managing risk
- Mental health and emotional well-being
- Physical health and wellbeing
- Living and growing
You, me and PSHE