
Our English Curriculum

Our core belief when teaching English is to engage and inspire children in both reading and writing. Our Curriculum is text-led with a sharp focus on exposing children to rich language, broad and ambitious vocabulary and a wide-ranging diet of writing that is both classic and modern.

Alongside our text-driven English curriculum, we provide a robust and systematic phonics and spelling program which begins with Rocket Phonics leading on to Spelling Shed.  Our English Curriculum follows the National Curriculum and supports the development of grammar and rich vocabulary. Wherever possible we make strong and relevant links between the skills of reading and writing for children.


Reading is a key tool for life. Teaching children to become confident and fluent readers, by developing a love and passion for reading is a large and exciting part of what we do at Hawksworth CE Primary School. We have lots of opportunities for reading exciting books and materials – supported by a rich and very well-resourced library. A wide range of stories and genres are read frequently in class to inspire a life‐long enthusiasm for books and all that they offer children and adults alike


Writing is an essential part of our curriculum offer and of high importance at Hawksworth CE Primary School. 

Writing skills are developed through a high-quality text-based approach that links to termly curriculum themes. From ‘hooking’ the children in at the start of a unit and exploring the text in order to build an understanding of the writer’s craft, pupils develop a deep understanding of the components of writing – planning, drafting, sharing, evaluating, revising, editing and then publishing. The writing curriculum plans for diverse stimuli for writing which encourages high levels of engagement. Allowing pupils the time to explore the text, and introduce new writing skills before applying the skills with greater levels of independence. Texts are carefully chosen to deepen children’s knowledge of the wider curriculum while ensuring they are immersed in our rich and varied literary heritage.  The teaching of spelling, grammar and punctuation is interwoven into daily English sessions so that children can develop an understanding of these key skills in context – and feel confident in applying them to their own writing.

 In EYFS children learn how to hold a pencil correctly and begin to form letters, words and sentences. From Year 1, children are introduced to a joined cursive style of handwriting. As children journey into Key Stage 2, we encourage children to transition from pencil to pen. 

Speaking and Listening
We support our children in developing the skills necessary to read, write and speak fluently to communicate their ideas and emotions. Through our exciting and engaging curriculum, we actively encourage our children to communicate their thoughts and ideas. Children are given the opportunity to reflect on both their learning and feelings.



Quality phonics teaching and learning is a key priority at Hawksworth CE Primary School.

To deliver high-quality phonics teaching and learning, we use the newly developed and validated story-based SSP (systematic synthetic phonics) program Rocket Phonics which not only focuses on the key fundamentals and alphabetic code but also fosters a love of reading and story. The reading books within the scheme are written and illustrated by a range of authors and illustrators which are fully decodable and matched to the teaching and learning plan for phonics. In addition, the digital 'Big Books' are central to the program. They consist of language-rich stories to teach all of the target letter sounds in context and introduce new vocabulary for discussion.

Our Rocket Phonics Programme fully complements our whole school reading scheme - Rising Stars Reading Planets

*Rocket Phonics is a validated and accredited DfE (Department for Education) phonics program Link 14,385 Validation Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

Parent Guide to Rocket Phonics Link


Reading is a life skill.

At Hawksworth CE Primary School we want every child to leave school as a fluent reader, enabling them to be fully prepared for further academic study, and suitably equipped for the essentials of everyday life.  Children will have accessed a core spine of texts which cover a wide range of genres.  We want them to read for information and for pleasure, experiencing the joy of books through reading, and being read to.  Over time, we want every child to develop a reading identity of their own, and to gain the passion and curiosity to want to continue their reading journey.

English Long-Term Plans 

Class 1

Cycle A

Class 1

Cycle B

Class 2

Cycle A

Class 2

Cycle B

Class 3

Cycle A

Class 3 

Cycle B

Class 4

Cycle A

Class 4

Cycle B